Word Tip of the Day

Convert an Access report into a Word document (Word 97/2000/2002)

If you're a Microsoft Access user, you may often need to distribute database reports to colleagues. However, if they don't have Access on their systems or can't connect to a particular data source, they won't be able to view the report. Although printing hard copy is always an option, it can be inefficient to work with and costly to distribute. As an alternative, you can turn an Access report into a file that users can open and edit with Word.

The easiest way to convert an Access report into a Word document is using the Office Links feature. In Access, preview the report you want to convert, or select it within the Database window. Then, choose Tools | Office Links | Publish It With MS Word from the menu bar. If you're previewing the report, you can also export it to Word using the menu attached to the Office Links toolbar button. Note that the created file is in a Rich Text Format (RTF). This means that most of the report formatting will be preserved. However, the file won't contain any graphical objects that existed in the original report, such as pictures or embedded objects.

(Content provided by Element K Journals)

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