Word Tip of the Day |
Find your document's word count statistics (Word 97/2000/2001/2002) Research papers, proposals, legal documentation, and similar types of documents that must be formally submitted to an authority are often restricted to a certain word count by that authority. Word count restrictions can be put in place for many reasons, usually to make sure a document is thorough without being either too vague or too long-winded. To help you track your document's word count, choose File | Properties from the menu bar and click on the Statistics tab, or you can use the Word Count dialog box by choosing Tools | Word Count from the menu bar. Word 2002 continues to offer the Word Count dialog box, but does this feature one better by offering the Word Count toolbar, too. You can access this toolbar by clicking the Show Toolbar button in the Word Count dialog box or by choosing View | Toolbars | Word Count from the menu bar. The Word Count toolbar enables you to quickly determine any of the statistics offered in its dropdown list. When you make any changes to your document, the dropdown displays the text "Click Recount To View". To recalculate your document's statistics, just click the Recount button on the Word Count toolbar, or press [Alt]C. When you do, the previously active statistic is updated and displayed at the top of the dropdown list. To view other updated statistics or to change the statistic displayed by default, simply choose it from the dropdown list. (Content provided by Element K Journals) (Note: Your browser is set to refuse cookies. As a result, you may frequently see previously-viewed tips)
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